How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Dr. Michael S. Beckenstein

One of the common questions I hear from patients when choosing breast implants in Birmingham is, “How long will my implants last?” Whenever this question comes up, I tell my patients that breast implants do not have an expiration date. The lifespan of breast implants varies from patient to patient based on factors including:

  • The type of implant you choose
  • Your overall health and lifestyle

Reasons for Exchanging Implants

I normally tell my patients to exchange their implants only if a complication is present. This could mean implant rupture or another problem, such as capsular contracture. These issues can sometimes be detected by physical changes or through an MRI. I recommend that my patients consider getting an MRI approximately 10 years after their breast augmentation to check the integrity of the implant.

However, a woman may decide that she wants to exchange her implants for a different type or size. This is also an acceptable reason for implant replacement. The myth that your implants must be replaced every 10 years is just that: a myth. As long as you are healthy and happy with your implants, there is no need for another surgery. Some women go several years, even their entire lives, without ever needing a second operation.

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