Michael S. Beckenstein, MD
800 St. Vincent's Drive
North Tower Suite 610
Birmingham, AL 35205
Phone: (205) 933-9308
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
Tummy Tuck Before & After Case 102

Before & After
Case Details
This 42 year-old woman was unhappy with the extra weight she had put on. Although she worked to maintain a healthy lifestyle, persistent, diet-resistant areas of fat still collected around her lower abdomen and her exercise habits did not seem to tighten her loose abdominal muscles. She knew she wanted to make a change, but despite her efforts, she was not seeing the results she desired. To find out more about body contouring cosmetic surgery, she researched tummy tuck surgeons near Montgomery, Alabama and soon requested a consultation with Dr. Beckenstein.
Dr. Beckenstein utilizes several abdominoplasty techniques at his Birmingham plastic surgery practice. His different surgical approaches are designed to correct different levels of abdominal muscle laxity. Dr. Beckenstein selects a technique based on patients’ individual criteria and situations. A "traditional" abdominoplasty or tummy tuck, which was chosen for this patient, is used for patients with excess skin and fat, as well as noticeable abdominal wall laxity. This patient enjoyed a typically smooth recovery that is associated with tummy tucks, and she is very pleased to see her flatter, firmer midsection develop as her body adjusts to her new shape.
Three months after her surgery, she is already enjoying good results, although her scars have only started to flatten and fade. Tummy tuck scars take approximately 18 months to mature, fading to a tone and texture very close to that of the surrounding skin. Patients generally find it very easy to hide their incisions even while wearing lingerie, and see their thin, flat scars as an acceptable tradeoff for a noticeably slimmer look.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Dr. Michael Beckenstein
About This Patient
Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.