Body Contouring in Birmingham, AL

Despite a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen, you might have persistent areas of fatty tissue and loose, inelastic skin on your body. Dr. Michael Beckenstein offers body contouring plastic surgery in Birmingham for patients from Montgomery, Huntsville, Hoover, and throughout Alabama. He reviews several factors that can contribute to an unattractive body contour.

The aging process, pregnancy, dramatic weight changes, and genetics are a few of the factors that may lead you to consider surgical options to improve the shape of your body. If you have good skin tone and elasticity but are unhappy with localized areas of excess fat, you might be a candidate for liposuction. If your skin tone is poor, a procedure that removes the fatty tissue and excess skin may be indicated. Tummy tuck is one procedure of this type, used when a patient has excess skin and fat in the abdominal area. If you are within 20% of your ideal body weight and in good health, you might be a good candidate for these procedures. Keep in mind that these procedures are NOT intended to substitute for a weight reduction regimen that includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Newly Reduced Fees

Dr. Beckenstein has negotiated down the rates his patients are charged by the hospital for their aesthetic surgeries. As a result, he is now offering significantly reduced rates for cosmetic surgery procedures. These new fees are incredibly competitive and will be discussed in detail during your visit.

Body Plastic Surgery – Your Options

When you visit with Dr. Beckenstein, he will thoroughly educate you on the procedures you are considering and discuss all your body contouring options:

  • Tummy Tuck: This procedure is best suited for patients with excess fatty tissue, loose skin, and abdominal wall laxity.
  • Liposuction: For patients with good skin tone and elasticity, this procedure removes excess fatty tissue with minimal incisions. It can be performed in most areas of the body including the abdomen, back, thighs, arms, and face.
  • Mommy Makeover: After pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding, many women are unhappy with the shape of their breasts and body. These personalized combination procedures can address multiple concerns with a single surgery and recovery period.
  • Post Weight Loss Plastic Surgery: It can be disappointing to lose a significant amount of weight and be left with uncomfortable lax skin hanging from your slimmer body. These procedures tighten contours on the arms, abdomen, and legs for increased comfort and confidence.
  • Revision Body Surgery: Whether you had liposuction, a tummy tuck, or another procedure and aren’t happy with the results of another surgeon, Dr. Beckenstein can help you attain the attractive, natural look you had hoped for.

Your Procedure in 3D

Watch an informative video featuring 3D graphics to learn more about the procedure you want.

View Your Procedure in 3D

During your consultation, Dr. Beckenstein will thoroughly evaluate you, discuss your options, and determine if you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery in Birmingham. When you visit his cosmetic surgery office in Birmingham, he will spend as much time as necessary to educate you on the procedures you are interested in. He will make sure you fully understand all of your options and are comfortable with your choices.

A Reputation Built on Results

This doctor was on time! I felt comfortable during the consultation and was extremely pleased with the...
Dr. Beckenstein is Birmingham's best plastic surgeon as well as a highly respected, wonderful man. His...
I had an amazing experience at Dr. Beckenstein's office. I had no wait time. The staff is kind, knowledgeable,...
I had a mastopexy without augmentation with Dr Beckenstein. Throughout the time of my initial consultation...

To find out more about body contouring surgery, request your Comprehensive Consultation or call (205) 933-9308 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Beckenstein at his office on St. Vincent’s Drive. You will see that Dr. Beckenstein is committed to providing the highest level of care to you in your pursuit of an improved body!

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