Looking for subjects for free Scalp MicroPigmentation SMP

Dr. Michael S. Beckenstein

Birmingham plastic surgeon, Michael S. Beckenstein, M.D. is looking for participants to introduce scalp micro pigmentation to Alabama. As part of his contribution to revolutionizing Alabama hair replacement with Neograft, he is now going to offer scalp micro pigmentation.


Dr. Beckenstein states ” Alabama Neograft is offering Scalp Hair Follicle Tattoo Simulation or SHFTS which is one of the best techniques in the world. We have been fortunate to have been chosen by Andrea Darby, who IS the world’s authority on this. She will be spending a week with me and my staff to train us and certify us on this method. We have just completed the course training on this exciting method and will be completed the hands on training next month”. Birmingham Neograft is looking for a few men, who are interested in this new and exciting concept. Dr. Beckenstein needs to evaluate you and determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. If you are, test patching needs to be completed to obtain the right color, patterns for the final process.

If you are interested in this, please call Birmingham Neograft at 205-933-9308.

” it is an exciting opportunity for us , but better for these volunteers, they will be getting their SHFTS free of charge from the best in the world, Alabama scalp micropigmenation will be forever changed!!!”

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